Wagner Kamakura
Jesse H. Jones Professor Emeritus of Marketing

Wagner A. Kamakura is the Jesse H. Jones Professor Emeritus of Marketing at the Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University. Prior to joining the Jones school, he taught at Duke University, University of Iowa, University of Pittsburgh, Vanderbilt University and SUNY@Buffalo. Before joining academia, he has worked in market analysis, forecasting and planning at Duratex S.A. and Massey-Ferguson of Brazil. He has also been a visiting scholar to Australia, Brazil, China, Netherlands, Portugal, Singapore, South Korea and Spain. Professor Kamakura holds a Doctor Honoris Causa from Universidad de Granada, a PhD in Marketing from the University of Texas at Austin, a MS in Industrial Engineering from Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil), an EMBA from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (Brazil) and a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica - ITA (Brazil). He has co-authored Estratificação Socioeconomica e Consumo no Brasil and Market Segmentation: Conceptual and Methodological Foundations, as well as over a hundred articles in the leading academic journals of Marketing as well as other disciplines. His publications have received best-paper awards from Customer Needs and Solutions, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research and Journal of Retailing. Professor Kamakura has served as the Editor of the Journal of Marketing Research, Area Editor of Marketing Science and Associate Editor of the Journal of Consumer Research. His current research interests focus on business and marketing analytics, consumption and time-use analysis, efficiency analysis, customer relationship management, market segmentation and targeting.
Teaching Interests:
- Business Analytics
- Marketing analytics
Research Interests:
- Business and Marketing analytics
- Consumption and time-use analysis
- Efficiency analysis
- Customer relationship management
- Market segmentation and target