The next MBA application deadline is March 10.

Faculty Research Seminars

Bringing leading scholars from around the world to Rice Business, our research seminars provide a forum to discuss cutting-edge research and facilitate academic collaboration with our faculty and Ph.D. students. Learn more about our speakers and seminars for the current academic year below.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Thomas Doser at
Job talks are excluded from this seminar list.

Fall 2024 – Spring 2025

Please sort or search by seminar series (e.g., Accounting, Business Analytics, Finance, Marketing, Operations Management, Organizational Behavior, Strategy and Environment).

Date & TimeSeminar SeriesSpeakerTopicLocation
10:30 am — 11:45 am
FinanceKris Jacobs, University of HoustonRisk and Monotonic Pricing KernelsMcNair Hall 216
10:30 am — 11:45 am
FinanceRobert Marquez, University of California, DavisBank Fragility and the Incentives to Manage RiskMcNair Hall 312
09/27/ 2024
10:30 am — 11:45 am
FinanceWenyu Wang, Indiana UniversitySee the Gap: Firm Returns and Shareholder IncentivesMcNair Hall 316
10:00 am — 11:30 am
Business AnalyticsSean Cao, University of MarylandAI and Fintech ResearchMcNair Hall 116
10:00 am — 11:30 am
AccountingPierre Jinghong Liang, Carnegie Mellon UniversityPattern Recognition and Anomaly Detection in Bookkeeping DataMcNair Hall 314
10:30 am — 11:45 am
FinanceWalker Ray, London School of EconomicsOptimal Macro-Financial Stabilization in a New Keynesian Preferred Habitat ModelMcNair Hall 312
10:00 am — 11:30 am
AccountingBrady Twedt, Texas A&M UniversitySound Analysis? The Role of Investment Podcasts in the Pricing of Accounting InformationMcNair Hall 125
10:30 am — 11:45 am
FinanceNicolae Gârleanu, Washington UniversityFinance in a Time of Disruptive GrowthMcNair Hall 216
10:00 am — 11:30 am
AccountingSarah Zechman, University of Colorado BoulderRegulation and Processing Costs: Evidence From the Hyperlink MandateMcNair Hall 216
10:30 am — 11:45 am
FinanceVyacheslav (Slava) Fos, Boston CollegeLocal Monetary PolicyMcNair Hall 212
10:30 am — 11:45 am
FinanceStijn Van Nieuwerburgh, Columbia UniversityRent Guarantee InsuranceMcNair Hall 314
10:30 am — 11:45 am
FinanceRoni Michaely, HKU Business SchoolImplicit Versus Explicit Contracting in Executive Compensation for Environmental and Social PerformanceMcNair Hall 316
1:00 pm — 2:15 pm
FinanceMichael Ewens, Columbia UniversityCorporate HierarchyMcNair Hall 216
10:00 am — 11:30 am
AccountingJennifer Wu Tucker, University of FloridaCorporate Use of Artificial Intelligence and Subsequent Product Market PerformanceMcNair Hall 126
11:15 am — 12:30 pm
Operations ManagementÖmer Karaduman, Stanford UniversityEconomics of Grid-Scale Energy Storage in Wholesale Electricity MarketsMcNair Hall 212
12:30 pm — 2:00 pm
Strategy and EnvironmentTimothy Werner, University of Texas at AustinWalking the Talk in Politics and Sustainability: (Mis) Alignment of Corporate Discourse and Lobbying on Environmental and Social IssuesMcNair Hall 216
10:00 am — 11:30 am
AccountingChristian Leuz, University of ChicagoInternalizing Externalities through Public Pressure: Transparency Regulation for Fracking, Drilling Activity and Water QualityMcNair Hall 312
10:30 am — 11:45 am
FinanceJonathan Zinman, Dartmouth CollegeDrivers of Default: How Input Utilization and Loan Repayment Respond to Randomized Debt Restructuring and Other ShocksMcNair Hall 314
10:00 am — 11:30 am
AccountingRahul Vashishtha, Duke UniversityEarnings Information Spillovers and Depositor ContagionMcNair Hall 316
11:15 am — 12:30 pm
Operations ManagementTinglong Dai, Johns Hopkins UniversityAdvancing Medical Artificial Intelligence Through Business ResearchMcNair Hall 216
10:30 am — 11:45 am
FinanceBing Han, University of TorontoSocial Learning and Sentiment Contagion in the Bitcoin MarketMcNair Hall 316
11:15 am — 12:30 pm
Operations ManagementWill Ma, Columbia UniversityRandomized Rounding for E-Commerce FulfillmentMcNair Hall 218
10:00 am — 11:30 am
AccountingBin Ke, National University of SingaporeWhat Do Resumes Tell Us About Accounting Rookie Job Candidates’ Research Potential?McNair Hall 314
10:00 am — 11:30 am
AccountingMatt Phillips, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyOdd Lots & Optics: Manipulation in Response to ScrutinyMcNair Hall 312
12:00 pm — 1:30 pm
Organizational BehaviorAdina Sterling, Columbia UniversityIs it the Expression that Counts? Gender and the Hiring of Women and Men into Entry-Level Sales JobsMcNair Hall 216
10:30 am — 11:45 am
FinanceSimon Gervais, Duke UniversityTBDTBD
10:00 am — 11:30 am
Business AnalyticsDennis Zhang, Washington UniversityTBDMcNair Hall 318
11:00 am — 12:30 pm
Organizational BehaviorMichel Anteby, Boston UniversityTBDMcNair Hall 216
12:30 pm — 2:00 pm
Strategy and EnvironmentAnita McGahan, University of TorontoTBDMcNair Hall 212
12:30 pm — 2:00 pm
Strategy and EnvironmentJay Barney, University of UtahTBDTBD
12:15 pm — 1:45 pm
Dean's Distinguished Visiting Fellow (Organizational Behavior)Aparna Joshi, University of MichiganIt’s not You, it’s Us: From Leader to Stakeholder-oriented Theorizing about Gender Bias in Leadership SettingsMcNair Hall 317
12:00 pm — 1:30 pm
Organizational BehaviorNick Hays, Michigan State UniversityTBDMcNair Hall 314
10:30 am — 11:45 am
FinanceErica Jiang, University of Southern CaliforniaTBDMcNair Hall 314
10:00 am — 11:30 am
AccountingSpencer Anderson, Indiana UniversityTBDMcNair Hall 312
10:30 am — 11:45 am
FinancePascal Noel, University of ChicagoTBDTBD
11:00 am — 12:30 pm
Organizational BehaviorMichael Pratt, Boston CollegeTBDMcNair Hall 314
12:30 pm — 2:00 pm
Strategy and EnvironmentJiao Luo, University of MinnesotaTBDTBD
10:00 am — 11:30 am
AccountingRimmy Tommy, University of ChicagoTBDMcNair Hall 316
10:00 am — 11:30 am
Business AnalyticsDacheng Xiu, University of ChicagoTBDTBD
12:00 pm — 1:30 pm
Organizational BehaviorAmandine Ody-Brasier, McGill UniversityTBDTBD
10:30 am — 11:45 am
Dean's Distinguished Visiting Fellow (Finance)Marco Pagano, University of Naples Federico IICareers and Wages in Family Firms: Evidence from Matched Employer-Employee DataMcNair Hall 318
12:30 pm — 2:00 pm
Strategy and EnvironmentJeffrey York, University of Colorado BoulderTBDMcNair Hall 212
10:00 am — 11:30 am
AccountingCharles McClure, University of ChicagoTBDMcNair Hall 312

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Assistant Director, Faculty & Auxiliary Administration

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