Applications for Fall 2025 will open on August 1.

Rice Business Wisdom

Featuring faculty research applied in the classroom.

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Careers | Peer-Reviewed Research
Performing well at work? You may not last long.
January 25
Business and Political Influence | Peer-Reviewed Research
What happens when the highest leader in the country comes to call?
January 21
Technology | Expert Opinion
Businesses like technology as a way to reach audiences quickly and nimbly. What could go wrong?
January 21
Workplace Culture | Peer-Reviewed Research
Why fighting workplace discrimination of gay, lesbian and bisexual employees boosts business.
January 16
From the Dean | Commentary
Rice Business' Dean Peter Rodriguez on the power of presenting scientific research in plain language so important ideas are accessible to all.
January 08
Marketing | Peer-Reviewed Research
Marketing methodology helps marketers group customers by geography, psychological profile — and desire.
January 08
Startups | News Feed
Eating healthy can be difficult: A Rice Business alum may have a solution.
January 08
Writing About Research | Commentary
How do you make heavy-hitting research light enough on its feet to be useful?
December 19
Technology | Features
What you need to know about net neutrality.
December 19
Consumer Behavior | Peer-Reviewed Research
How time and distance change how you feel about your hotel.
December 18