Applications for Fall 2025 will open on August 1.

Peer-Reviewed Research

Quick, clear translations of faculty research that will change the way you think.


Customer-Based Strategy | Peer-Reviewed Research
Putting students and families at the center of strategy will optimize resources and improve academic outcomes.
June 17
Strategy | Peer-Reviewed Research
Temporary gatherings — like conferences and hackathons — are essential to attracting third-party developers.
June 07
Finance | Peer-Reviewed Research
Delaware's low-number tags yield astronomical prices, revealing the premium people will pay for status symbols.
May 25
Organizational Behavior | Peer-Reviewed Research
American voters hold opposing politicians to strict standards of factuality but support their favorite politicians as long as their statements express a “deeper truth” they support.
April 16
Strategy | Peer-Reviewed Research
In emerging markets, pricing — not reputation — drives the partnership between underwriter and IPO.
April 08
Organizational Behavior | Peer-Reviewed Research
Three critical leadership strategies that helped two prominent symphonies transform during the pandemic.
March 18
Accounting | Peer-Reviewed Research
It's common for companies to "opinion shop" the value of an asset. It's also risky.
March 06
Strategy | Peer-Reviewed Research
Presidential visits lead to short-term stock gains, especially when there’s a unified government.
February 14
Organizational Behavior | Peer-Reviewed Research

Allowing employees to select their incentives increases both the quantity and quality of their ideas.

January 29
Marketing | Peer-Reviewed Research
Three ways Instagram influencers can boost their "likes" on sponsored content.
January 08