Pillar 4
External Engagement
We are committed to expanding the reach of Rice Business by engaging and supporting faculty, staff, alumni and community stakeholders as partners and collaborators with a shared mission to support and promote initiatives that advance knowledge and practice related to elevating belonging and engagement within our school, university and surrounding communities.
Advancing Research

K. Ramesh
Herbert S. Autrey Professor of Accounting
Karthik Balakrishnan
Professor of Accounting
Faculty Lead of Undergraduate Business Programs

Alex Butler
Jesse H. Jones Professor of Finance
James Weston
Harmon Whittington Professor of Finance


Ajay Kalra
Herbert S. Autrey Professor of Marketing

Organizational Behavior

Daan van Knippenberg
Houston Endowment Professor of Management – Organizational Behavior
- “Agree to disagree if you want to create synergy from diversity”
- “You may need to change how you manage diversity, equity, and inclusion”
- “Interacting Elements of Leadership: Key to Integration But Looking for Integrative Theory”
- “Keeping Employees Safe During Health Crises: The Effects of Media Exposure, HR Practices, and Age”
- “A diversity mindset perspective on inclusive leadership”
- “Team members’ reactions to a gender-dissimilar leader: Competence monitoring and influence”
- “Team leadership and team cultural diversity: The moderating effects of leader cultural background and leader team tenure”
- “Minority status, access to information, and individual performance”
- “How diversity promotes team creativity: Two bumpy roads to collective inspiration”
- “Racial biases in the publication process: Exploring expressions and solutions”

Jing Zhou
Mary Gibbs Jones Professor of Management and Psychology
Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs
- Hoever, I., Betancourt, N., Chen, G., & Zhou, J. How others light the creative spark: When and why diverse environments trigger creativity through inspiration. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. Accepted for publication.

Sora Jun
Assistant Professor of Management – Organizational Behavior
- “The Missing Middle: Asian Employees’ Experience of Workplace Discrimination and Pro-Black Allyship”
- “Chronic frames of social inequality: How mainstream media frame race, gender, and wealth inequality”
- “Barriers and Boosts: Expanding the Lens on Mechanisms of Racial and Gender Inequity”
- “The ‘equal opportunity jerk’ defense: Rudeness can obfuscate gender bias”
- “Why benefiting from discrimination is less recognized as discrimination”
- “Words that hurt: Leaders’ anti-Asian communication and employee outcomes”

Siyu Yu
Assistant Professor of Management – Organizational Behavior

Michelle “Mikki” Hebl
Professor of Psychology and Management – Organizational Behavior
- “Facing an Unexpected Negotiation Partner: the Impact of Hiring Manager Gender Role Violation on Job Candidates”
- “Post-traumatic stress disorder and hiring: The role of social media disclosures on stigma and hiring assessments of veterans”
- “The Influence of Social Norms on the Expression of Anti-Black Bias”
- “The impact of organizational statements of support for the Black community in the wake of a racial mega-threat on organizational attraction and revenue”
- “A call to action: The imperative of supporting women scholars in academia through pregnancy, postpartum, and caregiving demands” (in press)
- “Social inequalities in leadership: shifting the focus from deficient followers to destructive leaders”
- “Do employees’ tattoos leave a mark on customers’ reactions to products and organizations?”
- “Now protected or still stigmatized? A 25-year outlook on the impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act”
- “Subtle discrimination overtakes cognitive resources and undermines performance”
- “Experimental sleep loss, racial bias, and the decision criterion to shoot in the police officer’s dilemma task”
- “How behavior science can inform policies to prevent discrimination against the Asian community in the era of COVID-19”
- “Anti-racist actions and accountability: Not more empty promises”
Strategy and Environment

Douglas Schuler
Professor of Business and Public Policy

Laszlo Tihanyi
William Alexander Kirkland Professor of Strategic Management

Duane Windsor
Lynette S. Autrey Professor of Management – Strategic Management
Ph.D. Area Adviser

Alessandro Piazza
Jones School Distinguished Assistant Professor of Strategic Management
*Note: Rice Business faculty are highlighted in this section, but many publications are co-authored with non-Rice Business faculty. Click the links below each listing to see a full list of authors and other publication details.
Advancing Industry Thought Leadership

Ginger Koto Vaughn
Lecturer in Communication
- Asia Society Texas: Author Talk: James Rhee on “red helicopter”
Ginger Vaughn moderated the author talk and audience Q&A. (May 16, 2024)

Constance Elise Porter
Senior Associate Dean for Belonging and Engagement
Associate Clinical Professor of Marketing
- “Houston is one of most diverse cities in the U.S., says new report,” cited in Houston Chronicle, 4/24/2024 by Shakari Briggs
- “Most Diverse Cities in the US (2024): Ask the Experts” cited in WalletHub, 4/15/2024 by Adam McCann
Business School Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Collaborative Workshop
“DEIB Best Practices That Ensure Faculty/Student/Staff Success” was a workshop delivered jointly by Dean Porter and Prof. Ann J. Tasby (director, Office of Inclusive Excellence, TCU Neeley School of Business) at the Business DEI Collaborative Conference (2024). The workshop addressed DEIB best practices for administrative leaders including topics such as mobilizing and engaging stakeholders, developing and implementing marketing strategy, partnering with HR for staffing excellence, and infusing DEI into the curriculum.
Organizational Behavior

Minjae Kim
Assistant Professor of Management – Organizational Behavior
- Unanswered Outreaches: Mechanisms of Gender-Based Network Segregation in Entrepreneurship
Winner of the 2024 Best Organization and Management Theory Entrepreneurship Paper Award, Minjae Kim presented Unanswered Outreaches: Mechanisms of Gender-Based Network Segregation in Entrepreneurship research at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Summer 2024).
Strategy and Environment

Yan Anthea Zhang
Fayez Sarofim Vanguard Professor of Management – Strategic Management
- Congratulations to our 2024 AIB Fellows Electees
Yan Anthea Zhang was recognized as one of the 2024 Academy of International Business (AIB) Fellows electees. The AIB Fellows are a select group of distinguished scholars who have been recognized for their outstanding contributions to both our association and the international business field as a whole. In addition to selecting individuals to be honored with AIB’s prestigious annual awards, these accomplished researchers are responsible for leading official task forces and developing cutting-edge content for our global conference series.
Career Development Office Staff

Jennifer Applebee
Associate Director, Recruiting and Employer Relations, Career Development Office
- MBA Career Services & Employer Alliance conference session, Summer 2024
“Stepping Into the Shoes of Another” – An increasingly frequent area of discussion for career professionals is focused on the experiences and obstacles international students navigate in the U.S. This session focused on DEI as it applies to international students. This session addressed topics such as contemporary DEI issues in the U.S., commonly used terminology, the Mattering framework, a toolkit of best practices/methods to present DEI training to international students and how participants can apply these tools to their schools.
Office of Academic Programs and Student Experience Staff

Mohammad Khan
Assistant Director, Global Programs and Experiential Learning
- “Dean-Scott, S. R., Stites, A., & Khan, M. (2024). Exploring the role of involvement in cultivating a Multiracial identity. ACPA Developments, 21(2).”
- “Defining Social Impact through Global and Experiential Learning Courses”
Presented at the Annual Conference of the Graduate Business Student Services Association (GBSSA) Chicago – November 2023

Timoteo Modrow
Assistant Director of Student Experience, Office of Academic Programs and Student Experience
- Texas Association of Chicanos in Higher Education, Gulf Coast Region Chapter conference session, Spring 2024
Timoteo Modrow co-presented “Guiando y Mentorando: Exploring the Testimonios of Two Latino/x Male Student Affairs Professionals in Higher Education,” focused on identity-based mentorship.
Rice Business Annual DEI Conference
Sparking Success, our diversity, equity and inclusion conference, is designed to provide a forum for awareness, dialogue and skill-building around issues of diversity and inclusion as it relates to the business world. At Rice Business, we endeavor to create a rich learning environment that considers and appreciates a multitude of perspectives that lead to enhanced decision-making. We consider this mindset a critical leadership skill in today’s increasingly global and inclusive workplace.
The keynote presentation, fireside chat style, featured Antonio Neri, president and CEO of Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and Dean Peter Rodriguez. Breakout session topics included corporate insider perspectives, A-1 inherent biases and ethical implications, disability as a diversity issue, imposter anxiety, intergenerational workplace dynamics, inclusion acumen and diversity advocacy.
The conference sponsors included NRG, Phillips 66, Accenture Strategy and Cheniere Energy.
External Relations
Mark Putnam, assistant dean for external relations, discusses our commitment to inclusive philanthropic efforts and engaging alumni in authentic ways.
Rice Business Partners
Rice Business Partners (RBP) is a committed partnership-based group of business professionals working to open doors, increase collaboration and build ties between Rice Business and the Houston business community.
Roundtable Series — Constructive Conflict Is an Urban Legend, Fall 2023
RBP hosted their first Faculty Roundtable event of the 2023–24 season in a conversation with Professor of Management Daan van Knippenberg. There is a longstanding belief in science and practice alike that conflict is, or at least can be, productive. The idea is that conflict can force teams to look more critically at issues, dig deeper, share more information, and be more creative in finding solutions to problems and making decisions. In sharp contrast, the actual evidence from 30 years of research suggests that this is not true. While science and practice keep claiming that there is such a thing as constructive conflict, the actual evidence shows that conflict is bad for team performance. Teams should instead desire a diversity of perspectives. Diversity of perspectives can have all the benefits that conflict is supposed to have — as long as conflict does not get in the way of the knowledge integration process that is required to realize the benefits of diversity of perspectives.
RBP hosted three Thought Leadership Series events for the 2023-24 academic year that highlighted our diverse Rice Business community.
Thought Leadership Series — Breaking Boundaries: The Art of Guerilla Marketing in Investment Banking and Asset Management, Fall 2023
The first Thought Leadership Series event spotlighted Donna Sims Wilson, chief operating officer at Kah Capital Management. From unconventional networking techniques to out-of-the-box problem-solving, this presentation spotlighted the unique journey Ms. Wilson has undertaken to achieve success and lasting impact in the competitive realms of investment banking and asset management business development. With a wealth of experience and a proven track record, she shared insights on navigating the intricacies of the financial world.Thought Leadership Series — The New Space Exploration Ecosystem: The Race is ON! Spring 2024
The second Thought Leadership Series speaker spotlighted Space Center Houston’s president and CEO, William T. Harris, along with his colleague, Douglas Terrier, as they discussed the current status and future trends of the most rapidly growing sector of the world economy, NASA’s evolving role, threats and opportunities.Thought Leadership Series — Global Growth Formula for Emerging Markets: Localize, Adapt, Thrive, Spring 2024
The third Thought Leadership Series event was a discussion with Sri Srinivasan, president of measurement and control business at Honeywell Inc., USA, moderated by Professor Haiyang Li. Srinivasan shared several examples of how understanding local systems and market dynamics leads to sustained profitability in emerging regions and facilitated expansion into mature regions.
Alumni Engagement
Alumni relations hosted an event in Chicago coinciding with Reaching Out MBA, for LGBTQ+ identified students.
Invited alumni to Drag Queen Story Time, Women’s History Month partio and BBSA fall mixer.
Women’s History Month partio- Provided $1,700 in event sponsorship dollars for events run by DEI-focused student clubs: Latinx in Consulting, BBSA Fall Mixer, Women’s History Month partio and Drag Queen Story Time.
- Provided thank you gifts for panelists for DEI-focused events: Blacks in Consulting, Latinxs in Consulting and Asians in Consulting.
Black Alumni Gateway
The Rice Business Black alumni network abounds with talented and accomplished professionals across industries and sectors. As the network grows each year, there is an increased desire to intentionally connect students with the Black alumni network. To address this need, Black Business Student Association (BBSA) and Black alumni leadership worked together to launch the Rice Business Black Alumni Gateway, a website featuring an easy-to-search directory of Black alumni profiles by industry and career, along with highlights of Black excellence, leadership and accomplishment.

“The Rice Business Black alumni network’s achievements are extraordinary, and our expanding network is a powerful asset to alumni, as well as current and prospective students. The Black Alumni Gateway, launched in 2021, is a great way to make our network more visible for ongoing inspiration, collaboration and engagement. Working on this project was a labor of love. I remember how important it was for me to see others who looked like me during the MBA application process. I appreciate Dean Peter Rodriguez, Senior Associate Dean Constance Porter and the Rice Business staff for their support in bringing this vision to fruition, and I look forward to seeing its utility grow.”
Patra Brannon-Isaac ’11
Student External Engagement
John R. Lewis Racial Justice Case Competition
Rice Business MBA students won first place and $20,000 in the John R. Lewis Racial Justice Case Competition (JLCC). The first-place team Prosperity Without Prejudice was charged with solving a problem related to racial justice and equality for a large corporation.
Prosperity Without Prejudice (in order of appearance, left to right, in the photo): Dominique Wilson, Dzidefo Ababio, Damieanus Ochola, Talor Thompson

Ladies Who Negotiate
After taking the Negotiations course, MBA students explored the topic deeper from the perspective of a woman in negotiations. Jing Zhou, deputy dean of academic affairs and the Mary Gibbs Jones Professor of Management and Psychology – Organizational Behavior, acknowledged the unique challenges women face and shared effective strategies for negotiation. MBA student Nikki Suarez ’24 organized Ladies Who Negotiate. In Professor Zhou’s honor, the group raised $200 and gathered gently used business attire for Dress for Success Houston, a vital organization committed to assisting women in achieving financial independence.

Reaching Out MBA Club Leadership Summit Pitch Competition
Rice Business MBA students and members of Reaching Out MBA (ROMBA) attended ROMBA’s 2024 Club Leadership Summit in Atlanta, Georgia. The summit brings together leaders of LGBTQ+ clubs at business schools from around the world to learn best practices, connect with peers and find out how ROMBA can support their club and business careers. Out and Allied club members (in order of appearance, left to right, in the left photo) Husein Lokhandwala, Himanshu More and Alphy Thomas won first place and $5,000 at ROMBA’s Leadership Summit Pitch Competition.

Marketing and Communications
The marketing and communication team partners with students, staff, faculty and alumni to reflect and highlight the diversity of our community. Through digital advertising, videos, podcasts, blog posts and articles in Rice Business magazine and other print pieces, we share the story of Rice Business: that you belong here and that diverse groups make the best decisions. We also know that representation matters. We are intentional in featuring our diverse population within all our communications.
Social Media
In FY24, 70% of our top-performing social posts across all platforms — determined by highest engagement — featured at least one member from underrepresented minority groups, and 72% featured a woman. Additionally, 22% of our top-performing social posts touched on topics of diversity. These included celebrating cultural heritage months, highlighting the achievements of women and minority groups, discussing the impact of diversity in leadership and business, and promoting events that support equity and inclusion. Below is a sampling of these posts:
- https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:ugcPost:7211470994639663104/
- https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:ugcPost:7111806773317025792/
- https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:ugcPost:7109974956431572992/
“Owl Have You Know” podcast
Our award-winning podcast, “Owl Have You Know,” shares the diverse experiences and perspectives of our alumni, faculty and other members of our community.
In FY24, 62% of our podcast episodes featured women and 42% featured people from minority communities.
We produced 17 episodes (65% of total episodes) that touched on topics of diversity. These include: White House correspondent Kalyn Norwood’s ’22 advice for women of color in white-male-dominated industries, how the Rice Business Diversity Preview Weekend changed Daniel Gutierrez’s ’14 life, and how Brian Jackson ’21 found a job that fits his values after leaving one where he experienced discrimination for his sexual orientation.
Two episodes featured experts in DEI:
- Evolving Perspectives on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Rice feat. Professor Alex Byrd & Professor Connie Porter
- What Practicing DEI in the Workplace Really Means feat. Professor Mikki Hebl
Admissions Blog
The Marketing and Communications team also produced 11 admissions blog posts touching on diversity in programs, careers and ethnicity. Here are a few:
- Global Field Experience: Expanding Gender Equality Education in Peru
Rice MBA students used their GFE to boost an education nonprofit in Lima. - Making Room for Women Everywhere: A Recap of the 2024 Women in Leadership Conference
More than 400 attendees gained actionable skills to challenge norms and elevate women. - Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month
Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates the diverse Hispanic and Latino/a/x/e cultures and their societal contributions.
Rice Business Magazine
Rice Business magazine is published twice a year, and the editorial team is committed to representing the diverse audience we serve. During the 2023–24 academic year, 52% of magazine articles featured individuals or groups from underrepresented backgrounds and 47% of articles featured women. Such articles include:
- Failing Forward: Wendy Fong EMBA ’13 looks back on the biggest mistake of her career — and the clarity it gave her to discover the work she loves.
- A Simmering Crisis: More than one-third of the world’s population is cooking meals over open fires, without access to modern cooking technology. The result: health risks associated with indoor air pollution. It’s a topic not often discussed, but Dymphna van der Lans ’02 is speaking up.
- Office Space: Inside the office of Janet Moore: communicator, educator and world traveler.
Rice Business Wisdom
Articles in Rice Business Wisdom, our online ideas magazine focused on faculty research, are published twice per month (23 total since July 2023). Over the last year, 65% of articles featured faculty from underrepresented backgrounds, 34% featured female faculty members and 13% of the articles focused specifically on DEI research topics. These include:
- What the “Barbie” Oscar Snubs Reveal About Sexism Today: How organizations can ensure women get the credit for their contributions.
- Why Does the Gender Wage Gap Persist — and How Can We Fix It?: Research shows the harmful impact of myths regarding motherhood, education, and professional agency.
- Closing the Racial Refinancing Gap: How federal monetary policy can influence equity (and inequity) in home buying.
We are committed to highlighting the diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives of the Rice Business community and living our motto — You Belong Here.