Applications for Fall 2025 will open on August 1.

Rice Business Wisdom

Featuring faculty research applied in the classroom.

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Comic Relief | Expert Opinion
How do you decide whether to sell your Harvey-drenched home?
August 27
Branding | Features
Harvey washed away homes, jobs and memories; it also brightened a few reputations.
August 27
Leadership | Features
Thirty-three trillion gallons of water had just fallen. How did Angela Blanchard organize a shelter for thousands in a single day?
August 26
Disaster Preparation | Features
How rescue and relief workers are drawing on the lessons learned from Hurricane Harvey to prepare for the next big disaster.
August 26
Marketing Strategy | Peer-Reviewed Research
How to bring strategic thinking back into corporate marketing.
August 19
Environment | Features
If plastic is out, what’s next? A new generation of innovators rises to the occasion.
August 15
Psychology | Mind Your Business
Why is it so convincing to repeat a claim again and again — even if it’s patently untrue?
August 12
Investing | Peer-Reviewed Research
What really drives stock returns — sentiment or economics?
August 12
Corporate Advocacy | Features
When should businesses cross the line from selling products to speaking out about injustice?
August 06
Workplace Dynamics | Peer-Reviewed Research
What makes a firefighter plunge into a burning building?
August 06