Applications for Fall 2025 will open on August 1.

Peer-Reviewed Research

Quick, clear translations of faculty research that will change the way you think.


Super Bowl | Peer-Reviewed Research
Advertising reaches potential investors, who tend to invest in what they know.
January 30
Statistics | Peer-Reviewed Research
Many tests, big conclusions: What could possibly go wrong?
January 24
Presentations | Peer-Reviewed Research
Make your presentation shine by knowing your objectives and weaving a story.
January 23
Leadership | Peer-Reviewed Research
How narcissistic CEOs sabotage their firms.
January 22
Corporate Reputation | Peer-Reviewed Research
Consumers often react to corporations based on whether they reflect their personal values.
January 21
Emerging Markets | Peer-Reviewed Research
In emerging markets, locals with experiences abroad can bring distinct advantages to business at home.
January 16
Corporate Lobbying | Peer-Reviewed Research
Is it time to treat corporations’ political activity as an academic field?
January 09
Bankruptcy | Peer-Reviewed Research
Interest rates have outsized effects on final value of a bankrupt company.
December 13
Commodities | Peer-Reviewed Research
Weather-sensitive commodity markets are buffeted by important information 24/7.
December 01
Subprime Mortgage | Peer-Reviewed Research
Limited competition may have fanned the flames of the 2008 financial crisis.
November 27