Peer-Reviewed Research
Quick, clear translations of faculty research that will change the way you think.
Workplace Dynamics | Peer-Reviewed ResearchDisputes over workplace influence can ruffle feathers — but depending on their motivation, they can also foster growth and strength.20 Nov
Creativity | Peer-Reviewed ResearchLow-power employees in diverse teams produce ideas with greater novelty and utility — even long after their team experience.8 Nov
Remote Work | Peer-Reviewed ResearchRemote work lets people live where they want, but “time shifting” can put a strain on team collaboration and communication.31 Oct
Never Miss A Story
Research shows the harmful impact of myths regarding motherhood, education, and professional agency.
How federal monetary policy can influence equity (and inequity) in home buying.
A new mathematical model can help transplant centers make decisions about when to move forward with a matching donor and when to wait.
Bellwether companies play a surprising role.
What kinds of patents tend to be accepted as collateral?
How well-placed reminders help consumers build sustainable habits.
"Social mandates" can make a company's response seem more genuine.
A new lens may lead to insights on default risk.
It Matters How We Talk About Social and Economic Disparities