Applications for Fall 2025 will open on August 1.

Rice Business Wisdom

Featuring faculty research applied in the classroom.

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Innovation | Peer-Reviewed Research
Want creative employees? Inspire them by being creative with human resources.
February 26
Public Relations | Features
What does it take to make a decent apology?
February 26
Mergers | Peer-Reviewed Research
After firms merge, how does the new company's practices affect outcomes?
February 19
Education | Expert Opinion
Public school parents are consumers — and they demand safety.
February 19
Virtual Communities | Peer-Reviewed Research
How to help online communities love your company.
February 12
Pricing | Commentary
When high prices attract consumers and low prices repel them.
February 11
Technology | Features
Facebook recently invented a new unit of time, the “flick.” What time units will they launch next?
February 05
Investing | Peer-Reviewed Research
Why companies are actually doing investors a favor by not paying dividends.
February 05
Organizational Behavior | Peer-Reviewed Research
Our emotions affect our decision making more than we know.
January 29
Oil & Gas | Commentary
What's the forecast for the U.S. energy industry and its effect on our global competitiveness? Looks sunny, reports Rice Business Professor Bill Arnold.
January 29