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Interdisciplinary Creativity | News Feed
A year after opening its doors, Moody Center has made a mission out of art’s many dimensions.
Innovation | Peer-Reviewed Research
Why fueling creativity at work is serious business.
Elections | Peer-Reviewed Research
How data from two-round election systems can help candidates target their campaigns.
Culture | Features
How do you know it's time to jump to your feet?
Pricing | Features
What is the price of a Hamilton ticket?
Personal Data | Mind Your Business
Americans have been feeling very protective of our data lately. But what is it exactly that we’re trying to protect?
Data Breaches | Peer-Reviewed Research
What does it take to lock data thieves out?
Donation Behavior | Expert Opinion
As the list of customer metrics grow, which ones indicates financial growth, and which are just a fad?
Energy Economics | Commentary
The shale industry is in the 3rd inning, but many factors will determine how the game plays out.
Nonprofit Management | Expert Opinion
What for-profit businesses can teach nonprofits about customer satisfaction.