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Acquisitions | Peer-Reviewed Research
What happens to shareholders when a CEO fails to be named top dog?
Giving | Features
The best way to give when you’re not sure whom to trust.
Negotiations | Peer-Reviewed Research
Does erratic behavior work in deal-making?
Careers | Peer-Reviewed Research
Being “between jobs” can mean being in a wasteland, or a place of growth.
Corporate Social Responsibility | Peer-Reviewed Research
Is it time for corporations to rethink their views of the environment?
Forecasting | Features
An interview with Eric Berger, Houston-based meteorologist and local hero.
Regulation | Peer-Reviewed Research
How does a U.S. fraud prevention measure affect foreign firms?
Human Capital | Features
Why immigrants bring extra human potential.
Marketing | Commentary
Religion has been marketing itself for millennia; now businesses are borrowing its techniques.
Book Excerpt | Mind Your Business
Read an excerpt form Tony Gorry's book, Memory's Encouragement.