Online Resources
Online Resources
Here is a quick overview of our systems, their purpose, and how frequently you need to interact. They all require an active NetID and password to log in.
- Esther
Use: 10+ times per year
Purpose: Here you will register for your classes, pay your tuition, check your grades, fill out the majority of your course evaluations, etc. Because this system contains sensitive information, it requires its own unique log-in: the SID/PIN combination. TIP: If you forget your PIN, don’t try more than twice—instead, fill in your SID (S, the number zero, and a series of numbers) and click “forgot pin;” otherwise, you’ll be locked out and have to email the registrar for a reset. - Canvas
Use: At least weekly
Purpose: A web-based collaborative course management system to facilitate your course learning and house class materials, Canvas allows you to upload class assignments, submit quizzes, engage in course discussion, as well as communicate with your instructor. You will also be able to access course packs, course software, your syllabi and grades. Eventually, you will have multiple tabs in Canvas corresponding to your courses. You may not have access to any course tabs until closer to the start of classes. - Campus Groups
Use: Weekly
Purpose: A web-based student resources and activities management platform, CampusGroups is where we (the Student Program Office and Rice Business Registrar Department) will communicate with you and post resources for your use. You will also find more information about Student Clubs. It includes a master calendar of school-wide and program specific events. - Email
Purpose: Everything is communicated through your Rice email. Items sent through CampusGroups and Canvas come through here. Rice Business communications are sent here. Rice University communications are sent here. You will get a lot of email, but it is important that you check this account daily and stay on top of what you need to be doing throughout the program.
Tip: How to forward your email