Rice Customer-Based Strategy Symposium
The Jones Graduate School of Business has hosted the RCBS Symposium since 2010. A premiere forum for sharing cutting-edge ideas about succeeding with customer-based strategies, the symposium features a mix of cutting-edge academic research, industry trends, insights from CEOs, and discussions with senior executives. Its 250+ attendees include Rice MBAs and undergraduates along with executives, senior leaders and professionals from the greater Houston area. Participants learn in an intellectually challenging environment, strengthen their network and develop long-lasting friendships.

Farid ViraniFounder & CEO, Prime Communications
Fireside Chat with Dean Peter Rodriguez
Topic: Success with Entrepreneurship: A Personal & Professional Journey

Ed GonzalezSheriff, Harris County
Topic: Courts, Cellblocks and Communities: Succeeding Through Focus & Fidelity

Peter RodriguezDean and Professor of Strategic Management
Fireside Chat Moderator

Vikas MittalFaculty Director and J. Hugh Liedtke Professor of Marketing
Deciphering Value: Results of a Multi-Sector, National Customer Study