Robyn O'Brien
Alumni Community Service

Robyn O'Brien graduated from Washington and Lee University with a bachelor's in French and Spanish and the Jones Graduate School of Business in the full-time MBA class of 1998. Robyn started her career as a financial analyst and is the author of The Unhealthy Truth, a book that sheds light on our food supple and how it is impacting the health of families, the economy, and the country. In addition to being an author, she is also the CEO and founder of Do Good, a strategic advisory firm that works with global food companies food industry startups, and health and farming organizations around the world to help build the new food economy. Robyn is also the Vice President of rePlant Capital, a financial services firm that is placing integrated capital into deep impact. She has been called "food's Erin Brockovich" by Bloomberg and the New York Times and has been featured in TEDxtalk, Forbes Woman, CNN, the Today, Show, and other prominent news and magazine sources. Robyn's passion to make a positive impact through food economy has enabled her to make a greater difference in the world.
What was your reaction to finding out you won this award?
So grateful to have been able to put all that I learned at Rice to work in such a meaningful way.
Why is it important for alumni to stay engaged with Rice Business?
Business programs around the country are shutting down. The value of a Rice degree is immeasurable and an opportunity that needs to continue to be available to future business leaders.
What impact has your experience at Rice Business had on your career / life?
It was truly life changing, giving me a skill set in finance, economics entrepreneurship that I did not have prior, forever changing the lens through which I viewed the world.
What do you want to say to other alumni?
Celebrate Rice every chance you get, both in the business community and to prospective students.