Takeya Green

“Bold. Determined. Vibrant. And a whole lot of sass!”
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Fun Fact About Yourself: I am a retired NFL cheerleader for the Houston Texans. It was one of the most exhilarating experiences in my life. I got to meet and dance for musical artists such as Flo Rida and Big Boi from Outkast and always had the best view of all the home games, field side view!
Undergraduate School and Major: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Chemical Engineering
Most Recent Employer and Job Title: Dow Chemical, Senior Production Engineer
Aside from your classmates, what was the key part of the school’s MBA programming that led you to choose this business school and why was it so important to you? I was looking for a school that had a more intimate setting. Coming from a big public university, I did not want to be in class with hundreds of students. I wanted to be in a small intimate place where I could get that 0ne-on-one learning to ensure I was prepared to go into the business world.
What club or activity excites you most at this school? I am most excited for board fellows. I think it is a unique opportunity to sit on a board of directors for nonprofit organizations in Houston. I love Houston as a city, and I could not think of anything more exciting than to see what happens behind the scenes of big organizations aimed at helping the city.
What makes you most excited about getting your MBA at Rice? What makes you most nervous about starting business school? + I am excited simply to be starting over. I was 17 when I chose engineering and with the experiences I have now, I am excited to choose a career path that I can fully see as long term.
I am most nervous to go back to a college student budget. It has been six years since I left that lifestyle, so going back will be a BIG adjustment.
Describe your biggest accomplishment in your career so far: My biggest accomplishment in my career is getting recognized by the C-Suite of my company for a project I worked on. After the installation of my project, my company immediately realized 1Mil+ in annual profits.
What led you to pursue an MBA at this point in your career? I wanted to be in the room when companies are making strategic decisions. As an engineer, you are always at the mercy of the business. Every dollar you receive and every change you want to make must be within the strategic deliverables the business demands. I want and will get a seat at that table.
What other MBA programs did you apply to? Chicago Booth, UT Austin – McCombs , Texas A&M
What was the most challenging question you were asked during the admissions process? I was asked what I would contribute to an MBA program. I think this question gets asked in some shape, form, or fashion for any part of an MBA application process. It was a challenge because I have yet to master the art of the humble brag.
What have you been doing to prepare yourself for business school? I have been taking classes in finance and accounting and making meaningful connections with classmates and employers. I wanted a jump start on the things I felt would ensure my success as an MBA student.
What was your defining moment and how did it prepare you for business school? My defining moment was when I was chosen to become an NFL cheerleader. I had auditioned multiple times and the year I made it, was the year I stopped trying to portray myself the way I thought I had to in order to make the team. I was 100% original and it was noticed by my coach. She chose me because I was unique to the others I performed against. This prepared me for business school because throughout my application process, I was 100% myself. It is easy to put on a façade when you really want that job or an acceptance letter from a specific school. However, I believe you find your true fit or true happiness when you are 100% yourself in the process.
What is the most important attribute that you are seeking in an MBA employer? Why?T he most important attribute I want to see is humanitarianism. Our country has some work to do regarding equality and opportunity for all. I want to be at a corporation that acknowledges their failures in that area and takes action to go in the right direction. I am looking for progress, not perfection.
Pretend you have just graduated from business school. What will you need to have done to make your experience successful? To make my experience successful, I will have done three main things: excelled academically, made life longs friendships, and received my full-time offer in investment banking.