The next MBA application deadline is March 10.

Coursework Requirements for Rice Undergraduates

The Texas State Board of Public Accountancy (TSBPA) requires CPA candidates to have completed 24 credits in related business subjects. The TSBPA divides related business subjects into nine categories. A maximum of 6 credit hours from any given category will qualify toward the needed 24 total credits. The Rice MAcc curriculum includes 9 credits, which are pre-checked below, that qualify as being “related business.” Therefore, incoming MAcc students need to earn the remaining 15 (=24-9) credits through your Rice undergraduate work. The TSBPA considers the Rice courses listed below as "related business."

Use this interactive tool to determine your progress toward meeting the related business subjects requirement. Check the boxes next to the Rice courses you have completed (or plan to complete).

Total Accepted Hours: 9

I am a Rice business minor or a business major.


Statistics and Quantitative Methods: 0 Accepted Hours (0 Actual Hours)

BUSI 395 - Data Analytics (4)
ECON 209 - Applied Econometrics (4)
ECON 307 - Probability and Statistics (3)
ECON 310 - Econometrics (3)
ECON 419 - Advanced Topics in Econometrics (3)
STAT 280 - Elementary Applied Statistics (4)
STAT 310 - Probability and Statistics (3)
STAT 315 - Probability and Statistics for Data Science (3)
STAT 331 - Applied Probability (3)
STAT 376 - Econometrics (3)
STAT 385 - Methods of Data Analysis and System Optimization (4)
STAT 405 - Statistical Computing and Graphics (3)
STAT 410 - Linear Regression (4)
STAT 411 - Advanced Statistical Methods (3)
STAT 421 - Applied Time Series and Forecasting (3)
STAT 444 - Data Mining and Statistical Learning (3) 

Economics: 0 Accepted Hours (0 Actual Hours)

ECON 100 - Principles of Economics (3)
ECON 200 - Microeconomics (3)
ECON 203 - Macroeconomics (3)
ECON 284 - Foundations of Public Sector Economics (3)
ECON 305 - Game Theory, Micro Topics/MTEC (3)
ECON 420 - International Trade (3)
ECON 422 - International Economics and Finance (3)
ECON 432 - Political Economy (3)
ECON 450 - Economic Development (3)
ECON 460 - Advanced Topics in Economic Development (3)
 ECON 461 - Urban Economics (3)
ECON 479 - Economic Modeling and Public Policy (3)
ECON 483 - Public Economics: Taxation (3)

Finance: 1.5 Accepted Hours (1.5 Actual Hours)

*MACC 504 - Finance for Accountants (1.5)
BUSI 343 - Financial Management (3)
BUSI 447 - Advanced Corporate Finance (3)
BUSI 448 - Investments (3)
BUSI 450 - Derivatives (3)
ECON 343 - Corporate Finance (3)
ECON 355 - Financial Markets (3)
ECON 421 - International Finance (3)
ECON 443 - Financial Economics (3)
ECON 449 - Principles of Financial Engineering (3)
ECON 455 - Money and Banking (3)
 STAT 449 - Quantitative Financial Risk Management (3)
STAT 482 - Quantitative Financial Analytics (3)
STAT 486 - Market Models (3)  

Management: 0 Accepted Hours (0 Actual Hours)

BUSI 310 - Leading People in Organizations (3)
BUSI 374 - Operations Management (3)
BUSI 390 - Strategic Management (3)
BUSI 420 - Leadership and Teams (3)
BUSI 421 - Power, Influence and Organizational Change (3)
BUSI 422 - Negotiations and Decision Making (3)
BUSI 431 - Advanced Strategic Management (3)
BUSI 432 - Business and Society (3)
BUSI 433 - Technology and Innovation Strategy (3)
ECON 348 - Organizational Design (3)
ECON 445 - Managerial Economics (3)
ECON 435 - Industrial Organization (3)  

Business Law: 3 Accepted Hours (3 Actual Hours)

*MACC 502- Business Law for Accountants (3)
ECON 439 - Advanced Topics in Law and Economics (3)

Information Systems or Technology: 0 Accepted Hours (0 Actual Hours)

COMP 327 - Introduction to Computer Security (3)
COMP 430 - Introduction to Database Systems (4)

Marketing: 0 Accepted Hours (0 Actual Hours)

BUSI 380 - Marketing (3)
BUSI 480 - Marketing Strategy (3)

Other Areas Relating to Accounting: 6 Accepted Hours (6 Actual Hours)

*MACC 503 - Accounting and Auditing Regulation (1.5)
*MACC 563 - Data Analytics for Accountants (1.5)
*MACC 573 - Business Tax Strategy (1.5)

*course is part of the MAcc curriculum