Michael Joe
MAcc Class of 2018

A native of Houston, Texas, Michael always knew he wanted to go to Rice but was unsure about what major or career path to undertake. He took a range of courses from history and economics to psychology and business while he tried to find out what would pique his interests. Ultimately, Michael ended up pursuing a major in psychology and a minor in business.
“I didn’t realize accounting was an option as a career path until almost halfway through college, when I learned about the MAcc program during my introductory accounting class.” Michael thought the MAcc program was a great fit for him as it is specifically designed for students from a variety of non-accounting, undergraduate backgrounds. “It would allow me to continue to pursue the psychology major that I found very interesting, albeit less practical in the business world, and still have a solid launching point into a more business-oriented career path.”
During Michael’s senior year, he applied for the MAcc program and summer internships with the Big 4. Feeling it was the best fit for him, Michael ultimately decided on an audit internship at PwC’s Houston office. Upon the conclusion of his internship, Michael accepted a full-time position with PwC.