Karin Gonzalez
PMBA '25

Home City: San Cristobal, Tachira, Venezuela
Undergraduate Institution: La Universidad del Zulia
Undergraduate Degree and Major: Petroleum Engineering
Pre-MBA Industry: Oil and Gas
Pre-MBA Company: Chevron
Pre-MBA Title: Reservoir Engineer
MBA Program: Professional MBA - Weekend
Desired Industry Post-MBA: Finance
Desired Job Function Post-MBA: Investment Banking
Student Organization Membership: CleanTech Association, Energy Association, Finance Association, Wine Club
What has been the most surprising part of your Rice MBA experience? I’ve been very impressed by the Career Development Office and how they provide very comprehensive career services that cover the spectrum from career strategy (exploration, next steps discussions, etc.) to tactical (resume review, interacting with recruiters, etc.).
What has been your favorite thing about your MBA experience so far? The number of opportunities for networking (Partios, PCF, after-class Valhalla, flag football, etc.).
What do you love most about Houston? The diversity of the city and the relaxed environment.
What is one piece of advice you would share with a prospective student? Understand clearly what you want to get out of the MBA and work early on making a plan to accomplish that.