Debra Langford
Executive Director, Business Development, Advancing Black Pathways, JPMorgan Chase, NA

Debra is nationally recognized for her expertise as a strategic networker who builds connections that count, and she has leveraged her robust professional network, which spans across multiple industries and levels of experience, to deliver successful outcomes in business and workforce goals. Debra has a successful record of identifying top-tier women and executives of color for senior level positions, creating innovative programs to retain and advance underrepresented executives, and designing opportunities to deliver multicultural consumers.
Debra is the Executive Director of Business Development, Advancing Black Pathways, JPMorgan Chase. This program was created in 2019 to invest in black individuals, families and businesses so they share fully in economic growth.
With a career that has included content, corporate and academia, Debra has a unique background of experiences. Most recently, Debra was the Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer of The Alliance, USC Center for Race and Equity and served as the Assistant Dean of Diversity, USC Marshall School of Business, as the school’s first Diversity Officer.
In 2012, Debra created The Langford Company to provide consulting in diversity and inclusion strategies, along with executive coaching to high potential executives.
As the Corporate VP of Inclusion and Business Diversity for NBC Universal, Debra partnered with several business units, including Universal Pictures, to establish industry best practices and increase market share of the multicultural audience. Prior to NBC Universal, Debra was the global Corporate VP, Strategic Sourcing for Time Warner, where she was responsible for the placement of over 100 women and diverse executives in Vice President and above positions. Debra was a senior level creative and operations executive in several companies, including: VP and GM of Essence Entertainment, Head of Television for Quincy Jones/David Salzman Entertainment, VP of Warner Bros. TV and Director of Development, Hanna-Barbera Productions.
Governor Edmund G. Brown appointed Debra as a California Film Commissioner in 2017, and in March 2019, she was named to the new Advisory Committee of the California Film Commission to work with the staff to provide oversight for the upcoming Pilot Skills Training Program. Additionally, Debra is the Secretary of the Leading Women Defined Foundation, a new foundation launched by former CEO and Chairman of Black Entertainment Television, Debra Lee. In 2011, President Barack Obama appointed Debra to the USO Board of Governors, where she served until 2017. Debra continues as the Co-Leader of the USO Digital Advisory Board and participates on the USO Entertainment Committee.
Debra serves on the Advisory Boards of the American Black Film Festival, Digital Diversity Network, Coalition of Urban Professionals, the National Museum of African American Music, the Los Angeles Chapter of Dress for Success, Colour Entertainment, and is a member of Women in Film.
Debra earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the USC Marshall School of Business.