Clement Ogujiofor

Home State: Texas
What have been your primary job functions in your career?
- Business Development/Sales
- Consulting
- General Management
- Strategy/Innovation
What industries have you worked in?
- Consulting
- Telecommunications
What is your current job title?
What is your current company?
British Telecom (BT Global)
Why did you select Rice Business for your MBA?
I had always wanted to live in Houston, and Rice gave me a full scholarship. Also, I came to Diversity Preview Weekend (DPW) and had an excellent experience. Later when I was considering going back to school, I asked some of the friends I made at DPW where they were thinking of going, and they said Rice after having visited many campuses. I only visited Rice and Northwestern and trusted their judgment, so I came here.
How has Rice helped you with your career?
It certainly proved to be a worthwhile stamp on the resume that qualified me for a certain subset of roles I was interested in. I can also honestly say that I use the education provided to me on a near daily basis. In all of my roles in strategy and in finance since getting my MBA, I frequently rely on the knowledge gained to help me build frameworks and come up with new ideas.
What is the most important advice you’d like to share with prospective and current students?
I have a couple of important pieces. First, always leave a good impression. You don't know if the group member sitting next to you might be a CEO or billionaire or future founder of a startup you'd like to invest in. Regardless, having that person as a positive connection can only help serve you both in the future as you go down your different paths. The second thing I would say is to work with the end in mind. Whether your ultimate goal is to be a Shark on Shark Tank or the owner of a franchise, there are practical steps now you can take during your MBA – and right after – to set yourself up for that success. Play the long game and work with the end in mind.
What have you valued most in the Rice black student and/or alumni network?
We have a group me with some of the guys from my Rice era, and it's been an invaluable sounding board as we discuss and laugh about careers, family and — prayerfully soon — entrepreneurial business moves. Being able to bond with those guys and lean on them for connections and advice is probably the most valuable and enduring part of my time at Rice.
Anything else you’d like to share?
It's better to pay now and play later than the other way around.