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Rice’s Jones School recognizes outstanding alumni

by Jeff Falk

Rice’s Cohen House was the site of a celebratory occasion Oct. 4 as the Jones Graduate School of Business community gathered for the Rice Business Alumni Awards, which annually recognize alumni in six categories for outstanding achievements in their professional fields and exemplary leadership.

Recipients of these awards embody the school’s four pillars of alumni engagement: community, philanthropy, volunteering and lifelong learning. This means that when reviewing nominations, the selection committee took into special consideration those alumni who exemplify and consistently engage in supporting their communities in these areas.

Pictured, from left, are Peter Rodriguez, dean of Rice Business; Eric Elfman ’95, Industry Excellence in Technology Award; Rob Royall ’84, Industry Excellence in Financial Services Award; Tanu Grewal ’05, Industry Excellence in Consumer Products Award; Eleanor Putnam-Farr, assistant professor of marketing at Rice Business; Sean Ferguson ’01, Industry Excellence in Nonprofit Award; and Alessandro Piazza, assistant professor of strategic management at Rice Business.

Award winners not pictured are Robert Gaudette ’01, Industry Excellence in Energy Award, and Robyn O’Brien ’98, Alumni Community Service Award.

The awards were established by the Jones Graduate School Alumni Association.