Applications for Fall 2025 will open on August 1.

Student Stories

Aligning Passion and Ambition: Meet Ale Arbelaez, Executive MBA Student

Where did you receive your bachelor's and master's degrees?

My petroleum engineering bachelor’s degree (1998) is from the Universidad America, located in my hometown, Bogota, Colombia. I got my master’s in petroleum engineering (1999) from the Instituto Tecnologico de Buenos Aires (ITBA) in Argentina. 

Describe your career journey including your current role and company.

My career path began in 1998 as a field engineer for YPF in Patagonia, Argentina. A few years later, I transitioned to a French company, SLB, where I was part of specialized operations teams gaining experience in reservoir performance and production engineering. Over time, I advanced through technical and leadership roles, including assignments in Brazil and Chile, before returning to Buenos Aires as the Argentina testing services manager.

In 2007, Chevron brought me on board as the senior production and operations engineering team lead in Brazil. After Brazil, I relocated to Covington, Louisiana for an IT role supporting deepwater assets.

In 2013, I took on the strategic growth manager position in Maracaibo, Venezuela, identifying and developing production opportunities. I was then appointed as the Subsurface Manager for a Chevron joint venture with PDVSA in eastern Venezuela.

After nearly a decade in Venezuela, I moved to Houston in 2022 as Chevron's corporate reservoir performance, framework and standards manager. I now oversee reservoir management activities, technical standards, communities of practice and portfolio analysis.

My journey started from humble beginnings but through perseverance and commitment to continual learning, I've grown into senior leadership roles in a major energy company. I'm grateful for the opportunities along the way.

Executive MBA students
Ale Arbelaez and classmates

Why did you choose a Rice Business Executive MBA?

To acquire tools for greater impact at my company and in society, I sought a program that would challenge my critical and creative thinking. I needed one that would build a solid understanding of the current business environment while allowing application to the energy field.

This led me to the Executive MBA program at Rice Business, the top-ranked program in Houston known for its entrepreneurship focus. Designed for experienced executives like me, it offers a flexible schedule to continue working while pursuing the degree.

The curriculum features personalized, experiential, integrated learning. In the second year, I can select from over 100 electives to tailor my education to specific needs and interests.

The program also provides leadership and strategy executive forums and seminars to build an executive mindset. I appreciate the custom executive coaching to identify and fill gaps in my leadership portfolio.

Choosing Rice Business was a decision tailored to my needs, helping tremendously in reaching my goals. It's more than education; it's a transformative experience preparing me for effective leadership in the evolving business landscape.

What do you enjoy the most about being a Rice MBA student?

After one year in the program, I can say the experience has been truly enriching. The high-quality education from exceptional professors stands out. The diversity of my cohort greatly enhances the learning experience, bringing a wide range of perspectives and insights.

What has made it even more rewarding is the close-knit community Rice fosters. The staff, faculty, students and alumni share a strong bond, creating a supportive and collaborative environment. The well-being guide provided by Rice Business was particularly helpful, ensuring we thrived during the rigorous first year.

Networking opportunities have been plentiful, allowing us to socialize and connect with people from other graduate programs. The strong reputation of Rice Business also opens doors - people are willing to engage when they learn I'm a student here.

Additionally, having access to the larger university's resources has been advantageous. Rice Business ensures its MBA students can leverage the wide range of university resources available.

All these factors combined are making my time at Rice an enriching journey. I'm grateful for the experience.

Executive MBA student
Ale Arbelaez, class of 2025

What are your career goals after graduation?

My short-term goal is to become a general manager within my company. I'm currently one level below that target. I believe the broadened knowledge and polished skills I'm acquiring through the executive MBA program can increase my ability to add value and contribute to the energy landscape.

Like many of my executive MBA peers, I seek to evolve my career within the same industry, with a long-term goal of potentially becoming a vice president at the company. The program provides me the opportunity to implement at work what I've learned in classes over the weekends, which is invaluable.

Ultimately, the goal is not just about advancing up the corporate ladder, but also about finding work that I'm truly passionate about. The new skills and knowledge I'm gaining as an executive MBA student are equipping me to pursue that aim of aligning my career ambitions with my passions.

How does the program positively impact you at work, and can you share an example of applying what you learned on the job?

The Executive MBA program at Rice Business has had a profound impact on my professional life. It has equipped me with a robust skill set and comprehensive business understanding that I've been able to directly apply to my work.

One of the most significant impacts has been the enhancement of my leadership capabilities. The program's focus on experiential learning and integrated thinking has allowed me to approach challenges more holistically. This has been particularly beneficial in my current role requiring strategic decision-making and effective leadership.

For instance, a key learning was the importance of stakeholder engagement in decision-making processes. I applied this when our team faced analyzing extensive enterprise business data. By engaging all relevant stakeholders, facilitating open communication and collaborative problem-solving, we devised a solution that addressed the immediate issue and improved overall operational efficiency.

Additionally, the program's emphasis on critical thinking and resilience has helped me navigate complex situations. During a multi-team, cross-region project with unforeseen obstacles threatening progress, I leveraged the problem-solving skills and resilience developed in my executive MBA to guide my team through challenges toward successful completion.

In summary, the Rice Business executive MBA program has enriched my knowledge, skills and ability to apply those learnings to drive personal growth and organizational success. It continues shaping my professional journey.

Ale Arbelaez is an Executive MBA student in the Class of 2025.

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